Materials: swan mussels
Sometimes, options are limited. A weekend in spring was one such example. The sun was shining, the daffodils doing their dance. The kids have already had too much screentime so… “we’re going out for a walk”.
Forty minutes later, the inevitable objections and moaning overcome, kids are inserted into trainers and coats and unwrapping their minty humbug bribes along the path to the pond. As ever, eight eyes are on the lookout for anything interesting. We pass chickweed and cow parsley sprouting amongst the cleavers and dandelions, something densely dark green with pale striped shoots that we can’t quite identify yet, but will come clear once it’s flowered. The walk continues past the still growing, convoluted, moss encrusted stump of a tree and the tempting form of a dumped rusty and bent bicycle (no H, you can’t take it home!).
The walk continues, buds bursting, birds singing, children chatting - sometimes those limited options are what make life worth living. I happily take five minutes to practice slinging into the trees and we head for home.